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The titles recognize faculty members who are leaders in their research fields.
EARTH MONTH: USC Viterbi’s Kandis Leslie Gilliard-AbdulAziz looks at plastic waste, orange peels and corn husks and sees a potential beneficial to society.
The minor, based at the USC Roski School of Art and Design, takes advantage of resources across a multitude of USC schools.
USC experts discuss the Supreme Court case that will decide how social media platforms moderate content online.
The collaboration establishes an after-school program and fellowships that will put 750 young students and adults a year on the path to STEAM careers.
The university and Techstars will work together to accelerate opportunities for USC-affiliated entrepreneurs, including students, faculty and alumni.
He’ll be on hand at the Oscars: American Fiction, based on his 2001 novel Erasure, is up for five awards.
A USC study describes how specific gene activity could potentially enhance immune cell production.
The university and Techstars will work together to accelerate opportunities for USC-affiliated entrepreneurs, including students, faculty and alumni.
Economist Neeraj Sood isn’t afraid to buck conventional wisdom when it poses a barrier to public health. His groundbreaking research on childhood illness in India is just the tip of the iceberg.